Friday, June 29, 2012

Reed's Reaction to Obamacare

The president heard the Supreme Courts ruling on Obamacare at the same time that the public heard the announcement. This ruling will be a defining platform for the 2012 presidential elections between President Obama and Mitt Romney. As Mitt Romney has said that he will repeal ObamaCare in his first day in office. This will be harder now that the courts are behind it. Obamacare still has a long way to go to but this is a huge victory for President Obama and his administration. Congressman Tom Reed weighed in on the ruling and gave his opinion in a statement to WVTT saying “He respects the Supreme Court’s decision to essentially uphold Obamacare, but is very troubled by the ramifications. He added This decision greatly expands the government’s ability to tax and interfere in people’s lives. And that this is bad news for patients, taxpayers and the economy.”

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